Shayan Pooya


Debugging An Erlang Performance Issue

09 Mar 2014

In this post I describe a couple of tools I used to find a performance issue in an Erlang software called Disco. Disco is a map-reduce framework written in Erlang and Python. The core of the framework is written in Erlang which exposes an http api which can be used by any client. The main client however, is written is Python.

We at Chango had a performance issue when we store too many files in the Disco Distributed File System (DDFS). DDFS is a tag based file system where each blob of data is known by its tag. A large number of files can be stored in DDFS and it takes care of the replication and fault tolerance so that if a limited number of nodes fail, the cluster can continue without interruption. The disco map-reduce jobs can then run on top of these tags and use them as inputs or outputs of different stages of map-reduce. Currently disco has a single namespace for all of the tags and has no concept of permission or other POSIX-like filesystems. However, it supports the concept of hierarchy where a tag can reference another tag.

The performance issue with the large number of tags was that the Disco master becomes unstable and we see a lot of timeouts in different functions; crippling the master and eventually resulting in the server crash. Right now, we have mitigated this issue by increasing the timeouts of the gen_server calls to infinity for the critical calls so that under pressure the less important calls time out but the more important ones take as much time as they need to. In this post I talk about the different tools that I used for investigating this issue and the applicability and usability of each of them.

    eprof:start_profiling([disco_server, event_server, ddfs_master, disco_config]).

and the output is something like:

    os:getenv/1                                              4  4.12     8  [ 2.00]
    gb_sets:balance_list_1/2                                 2  4.64     9  [ 4.50]
    gen_server:decode_msg/8                                 10  5.67    11  [ 1.10]
    erlang:send/3                                           10  6.70    13  [ 1.30]
    gen_server:reply/2                                       3  7.73    15  [ 5.00]

and it prints something like:

    17:18:15 <0.8451.0>({ddfs_tag,init,1})
            {ddfs_master,choose_write_nodes, [1,[],[]]}

This is very useful for debugging and understanding what is happening but it is not designed for production.

    percept2:profile("test.dat", [all]).

In this sequence of commands, we set profiling info and start profiling, stop profiling, analyze the results and then start a webserver to view the results. The processing can be done in another node.

With percept2 we figured out that the concurrency level of the disco master processes is high and we did not find any bottlenecks.

The performance issue mentioned in the beginning of the post was in part because of the configuration changes introduced in Erlang R15. And we saw some improvements by disabling scheduler compaction and asking beam to pin the schedulers to the cores. Based on the results we got from the analysis of percept2, we are also looking into algorithmic improvements in the disco master. I will write about this problem and our proposed solution in a future post.